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Class XII: Exception Handling in Python Questions and Answers

The Ultimate Guide to Exception Handling in Python

by DP News Team
Python Exception Handling

We handle errors or exceptions in a program through exception handling in Python. When an error occurs during the execution of a program, exceptions are raised in Python. Exception handling enables us to handle these errors and prevent the program from crashing. We use the try and except statements for exception handling in Python. The try block holds the code that can raise an exception, and the corresponding except block holds the code to handle the exception.

1. “Every syntax error is an exception but every exception cannot be a syntax error.” Justify the statement.

This statement means that not all exceptions in Python are syntax errors, but all syntax errors are exceptions.

A syntax error is a type of exception that occurs when the Python interpreter encounters invalid syntax in the code, such as a missing parenthesis or incorrect indentation. These errors prevent the code from executing because the interpreter cannot understand the code as it is written.

However, there are other types of exceptions in Python that are not related to syntax errors. For example, an exception can be raised when a program tries to divide by zero, or when a program tries to access a list index that is out of range. These exceptions occur during the execution of the program and are not related to the syntax of the code.

Therefore, the statement “Every syntax error is an exception but every exception cannot be a syntax error” is true because all syntax errors are exceptions, but not all exceptions are syntax errors.

2. When are the following built-in exceptions raised? Give examples to support your answers.

  1. ImportError
  2. IOError
  3. NameError
  4. ZeroDivisionError

a) When the ImportError built-in exceptions raised in Python?

The ImportError built-in exception is raised in Python when an imported module or its dependencies are not found. This exception is raised when the Python interpreter cannot find the module specified in an import statement or when the module or its dependencies raise an import error.

For example, the following code raises an ImportError if the module example_module is not found in the current environment:

This exception is typically raised when a required module or its dependencies are not installed or not accessible in the current environment. To handle this exception, you can wrap the import statement in a tryexcept block and provide a proper error message or alternative code to execute when the exception is raised.

b) When the IOError built-in exceptions raised in Python?

The IOError built-in exception is raised in Python when there is an input/output error, such as an error reading or writing a file. For example, an IOError may be raised if a file that a program is trying to read does not exist or if the program does not have permission to access the file. It can also be raised if a program tries to write to a file that it does not have permission to modify, or if there is an issue with the storage device where the file is stored.

Here is an example of how the IOError exception can be raised in Python:

c) When the NameError built-in exceptions raised in Python?

The NameError built-in exception is raised in Python when a name (variable, function, class, etc.) is not found in the current namespace. This usually means that the name has not been defined or has been misspelled.

For example, if you try to use a variable that has not been defined, you will get a NameError:

Similarly, if you try to call a function that has not been defined, you will also get a NameError:

d) When the ZeroDivisionError built-in exceptions raised in Python?

The ZeroDivisionError built-in exception is raised in Python when a program tries to divide a number by zero. For example:

This exception can be handled using a tryexcept block to provide a more meaningful error message or to handle the error in a different way. For example:

The ZeroDivisionError exception indicates that an attempt was made to divide by zero, which is undefined in mathematics. In Python, this exception is raised to prevent incorrect results and indicate that there is a problem with the code. To handle this exception, you can use a try and except block in your code to catch the exception and handle it appropriately.

3. What is the use of a raise statement? Write a code to accept two numbers and display the quotient. Appropriate exception should be raised if the user enters the second number (denominator) as zero (0).

The raise statement is used to raise an exception explicitly in Python. It can be used to handle specific cases and provide custom error messages.

Here’s a code that accepts two numbers as input and displays their quotient. An appropriate exception is raised if the user enters the second number (denominator) as zero (0):

4. Use assert statement in Question No. 3 to test the division expression in the program.

5. Define the following:

  1. Exception Handling
  2. Throwing an exception
  3. Catching an exception

Exception Handling

Exception handling in Python allows you to handle errors and exceptions that occur during the execution of a program. It helps to prevent the program from crashing and allows you to provide a custom error message or take other actions to handle the error.

The basic structure of exception handling in Python is as follows:

Here’s an example of how you can use exception handling to handle a ZeroDivisionError that occurs when dividing a number by zero:

In this example, the code in the try block prompts the user for two numbers and calculates their quotient. If the user enters a value of 0 for the second number (denominator), a ZeroDivisionError will be raised. The code in the except block handles this error by printing a message “Cannot divide by zero.” The program continues executing after the error is handled.

Throwing an exception

Throwing an exception in Python means raising an exception explicitly in the code to signal an error or an abnormal situation. The raise statement is used to throw an exception in Python.

For example, consider a function that accepts a value and raises an exception if the value is negative:

In this example, if the value passed to the positive_number function is negative, the raise statement raises a ValueError exception with the message “Value must be positive.”. The caller of the function can catch the exception using a tryexcept block to handle it appropriately.

This code will output:

Catching an exception

Catching an exception in Python means handling an exception that is raised during the execution of a program. This is done using a tryexcept block. The code that might raise an exception is placed in the try block, and the code to handle the exception is placed in the corresponding except block.

In this example, the program accepts two numbers as input from the user and divides the first number by the second number. If the second number is zero, a ZeroDivisionError is raised and caught in the except block, and the message “Cannot divide by zero” is displayed. If the user inputs something other than a number, a ValueError is raised and caught in the corresponding except block, and the message “Invalid input. Only numbers are allowed.” is displayed. If no exceptions are raised, the result of the division is printed.

6. Explain catching exceptions using try and except block

The try and except blocks are used in Python to handle exceptions, or runtime errors. The code that may raise an exception is placed inside a try block. If an exception occurs, the code inside the except block is executed. The except block provides an opportunity to handle the exception gracefully, rather than letting the program crash.

Here’s an example of how you can use the try and except blocks:

In this example, the code inside the try block tries to convert a string to an integer. Since the string is not a valid integer, a ValueError exception is raised. The except block handles the ValueError exception and prints an error message. If no exception is raised, the code inside the else block is executed.

7. Consider the code given below and fill in the blanks


8. You have learnt how to use math module in Class XI. Write a code where you use the wrong number of arguments for a method (say sqrt() or pow()). Use the exception handling process to catch the ValueError exception.

Here’s an example of using exception handling to catch the ValueError that is raised when the wrong number of arguments are used for the math.sqrt() method:

In this code, the user is prompted to enter a number. The square root of the entered number is calculated using the math.sqrt() method. Since we have provided two arguments instead of one, a ValueError exception is raised. The except block catches the ValueError exception, prints an error message, and continues with the next line of code. If no exception is raised, the code inside the else block is executed.

9. What is the use of finally clause? Use finally clause in the problem given in Question No. 7.

The finally clause in Python is used to specify a block of code that will be executed no matter what. The finally clause is placed after the except clause(s) in a try statement.

The purpose of the finally clause is to ensure that some code is executed regardless of whether an exception was raised or not. For example, you might use the finally clause to close a file that was opened in the try block, or to release a resource that was acquired.

Use finally clause in the problem given in Question No. 7.

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